
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Circuit Report

Objective The aim of the experiment is to understand the properties of the supine parts and the resonance. implement 1. Unknown Box 2. unresisting Elements: immunitys, Inductors and electrical condensers 3. A.C. Power supply 4. Connecting Wires 5. Multimeter earlier Theory nonoperational elements Passive elements be elements that can each absorb elan vital or store energy. in that location be 3 types of passive elements, which be shown below: Resistor: A electrical resistance is a two-terminal electrical or electronic persona that resists an electric current by producing a electromotive force drop between its terminals in accordance with Ohms law. Inductor: An inductive reasoning is a passive electrical device employed in electrical circuits for its property of inductance. It stores energy in magnetic form. Capacitor: A capacitor is a device that stores energy in the electric field created between a pair of conductors on which refer but opposite electr ic charges have been placed. vague It is a stroke which contains an unknown passive element another(prenominal) than a resistor. both(prenominal) of them ar connected in series. Resonance A circuit is said to be in resonance when its electric resistance is equal to its resistance. There atomic number 18 two types of resonant circuit: Series and Parallel. 2 types of resonant circuits argon shown as the following: Series Resonant racing circuit: Passive elements are connected in series.
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Parallel Resonant Circuit: Passive elements are connected in parallel. . Experiment 1: Unk nown Component Aim The blackcontains an u! nknown passive element other than a resistor and it is connected to a resistor in series. The objective is to find the unknown component in the black box. Procedure: 1) The unknown box is connected in series with a resistor, R in the circuit. 2) An AC substance supply is connected to the circuit. 3) The potential different is set to be 1V throughout the experiment. 4) A multimeter... If you want to get a equitable essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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